Protect Yourself from ATM Skimming
Recent news reports about skimming devices being placed on area ATMs have many ENB customers asking what they can do to protect their account funds. Fortunately, there are several proactive steps you can take when using an ATM and ways you can monitor your account to assist in determining if your card has been compromised.
At the ATM
- Take a close look at the ATM. Does anything seem out of place or unusual? Are there cameras visible that look temporary in nature?
- Make note of how easy your ATM card is to insert and withdraw from the reader. When a skimming device is in place, inserting and withdrawing the card will be more difficult.
- Do not insert cards in machines displaying “Not In Service” messages.
- Cover your pin when entering it on the ATM keyboard. This will prevent any cameras put in place by criminals from capturing your PIN number.
If anything seems suspect, notify us immediately.
Monitoring Your Account
- Monitor your checking account closely for transactions you did not make. ENB Online or Mobile Banking is the best way to do this. If this is not an option, check your monthly account statement promptly upon receiving it.
- Sign up for Debit Alerts. ENB offers a service customers can enroll in that sends them a text message or email when purchases are made so they can confirm that they are valid.
If you discover a transaction that you did not make, please notify us immediately by calling (877) 773-4181 or coming into any branch office. We will review the transaction and reimburse you for any funds fraudulently taken from your account. We will also deactivate the compromised card and issue a new one either by mail or at a branch office through our Card on the Spot instant issue service.