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Category: Business Resources

June 12, 2023

Watch Out for These 7 Cash Flow Mistakes

Effective cash flow management is key to your business’s long-term success – helping you ensure that you have the funds on hand to cover day-to-day needs, pay for new expenses, or invest in your business. Even if your company is doing well, a slowdown in cash flow can threaten your ability to meet financial commitments and take advantage of critical and…

May 08, 2023

Equipment Financing: Pros, Cons, and Alternatives

Equipment financing can be a powerful tool for growing your small business. Whether you’re looking to ramp up production, expand your geographical reach, or enter into a promising new product line, you may be wondering whether equipment financing is the right way to achieve your goals. In this article, we’ll briefly define equipment financing, cover some advantages and disadvantages of this form…

February 16, 2023

Getting Insight From Your Cash Flow Statement

Companies sometimes make the mistake of evaluating their finances based on all transactions – cash and credit-based – at the time they take place, which may overestimate assets in hand and not give a clear picture of the company’s financial health.

January 17, 2023

The 6 C’s and the Keys to Getting Business Funding

When you need business funding, lenders will evaluate your creditworthiness based on 6 key attributes. Doing so gives them insight into how much risk they are likely to take on if they give you a loan and helps them determine just how much money they will lend you. Ready to grow your business? Don’t wait to master these 6 C’s of…

November 17, 2021

Your Guide to Preventing Accounts Receivable Fraud

Every year, businesses across the U.S. lose tens of billions of dollars to employee fraud – and accounts receivable departments are a frequent target. Unfortunately, the risk of accounts receivable fraud – or “accounts deceivable” – is especially high for small and midsized businesses, which may handle large volumes of delayed payments but lack the resources and personnel to establish robust…

October 14, 2021

7 Time Management Strategies for Small Business Owners

Peter Drucker, the founder of modern management, once said, “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” For small business owners, that’s easier said than done. It’s very common for entrepreneurs to work long hours under the pressure of heavy workloads, aggressive deadlines, and the need to grow revenue. But overworking without employing effective time management strategies can lead…

September 15, 2021

Business Valuation: What It Is and Why You Need It

Do you know what your business is worth? The 30 million small businesses in the U.S. are a tremendous force in our economy, and a valuable part of our local communities. But many – perhaps most – small business owners don’t know the true worth of their own enterprises. And that’s understandable. Entrepreneurs have to stay focused on day-to-day operations, and sometimes…

May 28, 2021

Small Business Succession: How to Plan Strategically

If you’re starting to think about retirement, it’s understandable if you don’t simply want to sell your business to an outside buyer and walk away. Your business is part of your legacy, and you want to see it continue to flourish and support the loyal employees who’ve helped you build it. But have you created a roadmap for how you will…

April 30, 2021

Retirement Plans: A Guide for Business Owners

Setting up a retirement plan is one of the best ways to ensure your business is helping you and your employees build a financially secure future. Unfortunately, the smaller a business is, the less likely it is to offer a retirement plan. According to the SCORE Association, just 28% of businesses with fewer than 10 employees offer retirement plans. Small-business owners…

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