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Category: First-Time Homebuyer

March 28, 2019

4 Benefits of Homeownership You Can’t Afford to Ignore

By Chad Neiss - Vice President, Mortgage Lending You’ve been watching more than your fair share of home remodeling shows lately. And, who can blame you? With television networks devoted to backyard, kitchen, and whole home remodels, you can’t help but dream about life without the limitations that come with renting. But, it does make you wonder if homeownership is really…

March 26, 2019

Is Home Equity Loan and Mortgage Interest Still Tax Deductible?

Some people look forward to tax season as much as a visit to the dentist’s office. Others are excited about the possibility of a sizeable tax refund and view April 15 with great anticipation. In either case, this year’s tax filing won’t be a simple repeat of last year.

March 22, 2018

What to Expect During the Mortgage Application Process

If you have never applied for a mortgage, getting started can seem daunting.  Fear of the unknown can even cause first-time homebuyers to put off looking for a home, even when they can afford one. This is completely understandable since it will probably be the biggest purchase you’ll make in your lifetime. To take some of the worry away, we have broken down the entire process into six easy steps so you can make your dream of home ownership a reality.

June 28, 2017

What is Home Equity and Why is it Important?

For the first time in over a decade more people are choosing to buy a home rather than rent.   An improving economy, low interest rates and rising costs of rent have all factored into this change; however, it can be argued that the real driver behind making home ownership the more attractive option is simply the fact that building home equity is a sound financial decision. 

May 17, 2017

Pulling Back the Curtain on Mortgage Appraisals

Congratulations, you have found your dream home! You and your realtor have worked out all the details with the seller and have finally agreed to the purchase price. Now what?

July 11, 2016

Home Improvement Projects you Should Avoid

There are two questions you should consider when making your list of possible home improvement projects. Do you plan to sell your home soon? And, do you mind if project does not increase the value of your home? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you might want to cross these projects off your list.

June 16, 2016

Home Purchase Basics

The purchase of a home is one of the largest financial transactions you can make, so it’s important to make the right decisions and to keep an eye on the details. With the assistance of your Real Estate Agent and Mortgage Expert, it should be an efficient, pleasant, and ultimately rewarding experience.

June 10, 2016

Mortgage Pre-Qualification Vs. Pre-Approval. What’s the Difference?

Your first time buying a home can be overwhelming as there is much to research and consider. Many question how much home they can afford and face uncertainty as to the loan amount they will be approved for. A great place to begin is by contacting your bank or lender to obtain a mortgage pre-qualification or mortgage pre-approval.

May 27, 2016

Understanding the Basics of a Construction Loan

Building a home can be stressful. Figuring out the appropriate mortgage product doesn’t have to be. Most people understand the basics of a standard mortgage, but many don’t understand that there is a different approach when you decide to build a home. We are here to break down the basic characteristics of a construction loan so your dream of building a home can become a reality!

Contact us and we’ll answer your questions.