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ENB Insights

July 25, 2018

10 Tips for Tough Financial Times on the Farm

Every farm owner knows that, at some point, they are going to experience challenging times. The causes can run the gamut from falling dairy prices to avian flu to new environmental regulations. No matter the cause, the good news is that there are steps farmers can take. Here are 10 tips to help not only survive but thrive through tough financial times.

July 03, 2018

What is a Second Mortgage?

Borrowers looking to apply for a Home Equity Loan or Line of Credit are likely to hear the term "second mortgage" at some point as they are shopping and applying for a loan. Although a common term, it's one that is often open for misinterpretation. In our latest blog, we review this terminology and bring clarity to it.

June 21, 2018

7 Tips to Avoid Online Fraud

Every year, millions of consumers fall victim to cybercrime. According to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, in 2014, consumers lost more than $800 million from scams initiated through the web. In recognition of Internet Safety Month in June, Ephrata National Bank is highlighting seven tips to help consumers protect themselves from online fraud.

April 09, 2018

Can Multigenerational Living Work for My Family?

Multi-generational living is defined as adults from multiple generations living in the same home. This form of living is on the rise in the U.S. after declining for years and a record 60.6 million Americans live in multigenerational households according to data from Pew Research Center. Reasons include growing racial and ethnic diversity in the U.S., more young adults living at home, economic necessity and a larger percentage of the US population over age 65.  Whatever the reason that may be causing you to consider multigenerational living with some planning, you can make this living arrangement work for everyone.

April 09, 2018

6 Tips for Your Financial Spring Cleaning

As Americans kick off the spring season by cleaning, sorting and tidying up around the house, Ephrata National Bank is encouraging consumers to add financial organization to their spring cleaning to-do list. To help, Ephrata National Bank has highlighted six tips for organizing your financial house. 

March 22, 2018

What to Expect During the Mortgage Application Process

If you have never applied for a mortgage, getting started can seem daunting.  Fear of the unknown can even cause first-time homebuyers to put off looking for a home, even when they can afford one. This is completely understandable since it will probably be the biggest purchase you’ll make in your lifetime. To take some of the worry away, we have broken down the entire process into six easy steps so you can make your dream of home ownership a reality.

February 28, 2018

The 7 Tips to Prevent Tax ID Fraud

With the 2018 tax season underway, all customers should take extra precaution when filing their return to prevent their exposure to tax fraud.

October 27, 2017

How Risk Affects your Home Equity Line of Credit Rate

When deciding to take out a Home Equity Line of Credit, one of the first things someone will research is the rate they will pay. As they research rates offered by various lenders, they often learn that more and more banks offer what is called risk-based pricing, which then prompts the question, “What exactly is risk-based pricing?”

October 10, 2017

Using the Equity in your Current Home to Buy a New One

You’ve spent weeks, even months searching for your dream home.  You’ve viewed countless listings with your realtor and attended several open houses on your own.  Finally, your hard work has paid off.  You’ve found the home of your dreams and it falls with your budget; however, reality now sinks in.  You’re going need to sell your current home in order to make the down payment on the new one and the fear that your dream home will be sold to someone else while this happens becomes real.

Contact us and we’ll answer your questions.