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Category: Business Resources

May 28, 2021

Small Business Succession: How to Plan Strategically

If you’re starting to think about retirement, it’s understandable if you don’t simply want to sell your business to an outside buyer and walk away. Your business is part of your legacy, and you want to see it continue to flourish and support the loyal employees who’ve helped you build it. But have you created a roadmap for how you will…

April 30, 2021

Retirement Plans: A Guide for Business Owners

Setting up a retirement plan is one of the best ways to ensure your business is helping you and your employees build a financially secure future. Unfortunately, the smaller a business is, the less likely it is to offer a retirement plan. According to the SCORE Association, just 28% of businesses with fewer than 10 employees offer retirement plans. Small-business owners…

April 01, 2021

Business Taxes: Ideas for Last-Minute Filers

For most of the year, focusing on running your business can take priority over focusing on your taxes. As a result, it can be easy to put off filing your taxes, especially this year, given the many new challenges that business owners are facing. With Tax Day looming, if you haven’t done your business taxes, the last-minute scramble to track down paperwork and crunch numbers can feel overwhelming. Especially if you’re new to running a business. If you’re one of the many last-minute tax filers out there, we want to help by sharing a few tax planning strategies to help you save time, reduce the stress of filing, avoid costly mistakes, and make the process easier next time around.

March 09, 2021

Business Tax Tips That Help Your Workers (and Your Bottom Line)

Running a small business is a balancing act. On the one hand, you’ve got to focus on your bottom line. On the other hand, you need to support the well-being of the employees that keep your business going. You can do both by finding ways to support your workers’ financial wellness. Particularly now, during the COVID-19 pandemic, employers of all sizes are recognizing the importance of helping their workforce stay financially fit. Experience has shown that financially secure employees are more productive and dependable. If you want to boost your employees’ financial wellness – and your bottom line – these employee-friendly tax strategies are a great start.

February 11, 2021

Protect Your Payroll: Tips to Stop ACH Fraud

Paying employees by direct deposit is a win-win. If you’re an employer, completing payroll electronically – via Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions – gives you more control over disbursements, saves time, and helps eliminate the costs associated with paper paychecks. Meanwhile, your employees can be sure their paychecks arrive on time, don’t have to worry about lost or stolen checks, and don’t need to run to the bank every payday. However, because ACH transactions are so common, and highly automated, they’re definitely a target of criminals. In this article, we provide tips for keeping your business safe.

November 16, 2020

Protect Your Small Business From Cyberthieves

As the owner of a small business, day-to-day operations keep you busy. Whether you're attending to your customers' needs or planning a new product launch, cybercriminals count on these and other necessary tasks to distract you from noticing their nefarious activities. Fortunately, you can protect your business from falling victim to cybertheft — including business wire fraud — by taking a few simple steps.

September 18, 2020

Getting Control of Business Spending

What’s the cost of doing business? For many businesses, answering that question is harder than it seems. The process for handling expenses varies from one business to the next, and many business owners have less control of expenditures than they’d like. This can lead to wasteful spending and other losses, potential cash flow problems, and a greater administrative burden. If you want…

September 18, 2020

Resilient Businesses Have These 5 Strengths

If you’ve built a business or helped it grow, there’s one thing you can take for granted: You’re good at your job. It’s how you’ve gotten this far. But there’s something else you should know too. Amid the economic turbulence and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, your business’s success depends on far more than your professional expertise. Whether you’re a service provider, farmer, or…

September 18, 2020

5 Ways to Build a Healthier Supply Chain

Sometimes, staying highly efficient can come at a price. That’s one of the hard lessons that businesses learned during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when many extra-efficient supply chains temporarily seized up as a result of reduced manufacturing activity, changing consumer demand, and distribution and transportation delays. Global supply chains are more complex than ever, and they’re designed for efficiency…

September 18, 2020

How Agile Is Your Business?

The marketplace is constantly changing. So when it comes to supporting the long-term success of your business, few things are more important than learning to adapt to new market conditions. It’s all about agility. But let’s be honest: Business owners crave stability. After all, once they’ve developed the skills and products to compete in their market, why would they want to continuously…

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